Friday, December 08, 2006

Ok, so what's up ....

Dang, the Red Jeep Club is started to feel like "my" blog! No one posts and no one bothers to read my posts. Am I really that boring? Am I just typing to practice typing? Is this a strike of some kind against the lovely, gorgeous, magnificent me? You're crushing my ego here. But does that dampen my urge to type some more....heck no!!!
Well, Miss D and I took our road trip (so we flew...big deal, it's still a road trip) to Fairbanks. And did we have a great time! North Pole, shopping, Santa's house, shopping, Chena Hot Springs, shopping, North Lights watching, shopping! Did I mention we did a little shopping? The girl has got it down. Boy, can she search for a bargain. 8 yrs old and she's a pro. Her Mama has taught her well. And laugh, we giggled about the silliest things until I thought we would cry. D was totally in awe of Santa's house. We had to go back a second time, she enjoyed it so much. Even got to see two of Santa's reindeer. the others were resting up for the big day later this month. Naturally, we did the girlie thing and were up late every night talking and talking about nothing in particular - just enjoying our time together. So anyway, we're back home and we're planning our next big adventure. Any ideas?
Weather update: the horrible winds died down and it was freezing cold, well below zero for several days, then it warmed up and the snow came. Ok, then it warmed up some more and the snow is melting and freezing at night and guess what..the damned wind is back again! Do you see a pattern here? I know, I know, it's Alaska.
Christmas shopping is almost done and will be in the mail soon. Just a couple more things to get for the kiddo's and then the wrapping begins.
Hope L is doing better. S, take care of the guy....he's only man and we all know they are big babies at heart.
Lates update: it's official; I've now lost 10.4#!!!!! I'm so excited. This ww thing really, truly does work.
Hope all is well with everyone in Ohio. Take care, be happy and keep in touch!
Love you all!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Counting down...

By this time tomorrow night D and I will be settling down in our hotel room in Fairbanks! Yep, she and I are going on our first (of many) road trips! Just us two girls.

Saturday, October 21, 2006


I know how busy everyone must be, but no postings but me? Come on, just a short hello or something!
Anyway, not too much happening around here. Got the new cell phone working fine now. Went wireless with the internet network...that was fun (just a hint of sarcasm). It was a struggle but it's fine now, more or less. It is nice to be able to set up the laptop at the breakfast bar or snuggled up on the sofa.
WW is going well. I've lost a total of 6.6# so far! Hooray for me! Slowly but surely!
Winter is getting closer, the snow is inching its way down the mountains and we're expecting to see it covering the lawns any day. Please don't say anything S....she's not exactly excited about it. D and I talk about it all the time and we're excited...waiting and waiting. She so loves when it snows! R likes the snow but isn't at all happy about the cold.
Registration for next semester starts on Monday (10/23). Oh joy (another hint of sarcasm).
Guess that's about it for now. Miss the Ohio family. I haven't seen any messages about your flight plans to Alaska? I holding out and going to surprise us, right?
Love ya!!!!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

What's my sign?

Ok, so most of you know I'm remote control challenged. I readily admit this piece of information. But beyond that I can figure out most of the technology thrown at us these days. Well, I came up against a good one yesterday. Here's what happened:
Yesterday I purchased a new cell phone - Nokia 6103 - very nice and it's Bluetooth compatible. The Bluetooth issue is what started the whole thing. K had given me a Bluetooth wireless headset. Hey, it was free so there shouldn't be a problem purchasing a new phone. We're going to have to go with the whole GSM thing in the near future anyway.
$180 later (not counting the $50 rebate I'll be getting in the mail) I walk out of the CellOne store a happy little camper with extra chargers and a case and everything. Not at all excited at the prospect of having to manually enter my entire address book (now known as contacts). But still, kind of upbeat about the whole camera phone and all that.
I spend the next 4 (yes....4) hours trying to set up this crazy phone. New settings, new sounds, new functions and all those blasted phone numbers...4 hours!
Anyway, I get to the final step of setting the passwords (pin codes) to lock the keys and whatnot. I'm going thru the process and somehow (lord only knows) I've managed to lock the entire thing. The exact message is "SIM Card Rejected". What the hell does that mean? I've called CellOne and although they were very nice about it, the only option I have at this point is to go back to the CellOne store today. Hopefully they will take pity on me and just give me a new SIM card since it's brand new. But they may get nasty and say that I've fried the damned thing and will have to purchase a new SIM card. I was only trying to lock the keypad so in case it was stolen or something noone else could use it. But no, I've managed to screw the whole thing up.
Today I'll be at the CellOne store when the doors open at noon. And what am I doing the rest of the day....entering phone numbers all over again.
Ok, so I don't see any pity coming from anyone...oh well!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Still losing.....slowly

WW update...... o.2# tonight. So that's not quite one stick of butter. Yuck, the thought...glad it's gone! I didn't gain it all in one week so I can't expect to lose it all in one week. Coming off slowly but surely.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Femmie's Day!

Happy Birthday Femmie! We love you and miss you! Enjoy your special day.....I'll be thinking of you stinker!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Is the suspense killin' ya?

I know you're all just dying to know so here's a Weight Watcher's update....
Week 1 - 1.8# loss
Week 2 - 1.2# loss
Week 3 - .4# loss
Ok, so it looks like I'm slowing down ( or losing ground?). But when you add it up that's a total of 3.4# in 3 weeks. Not too bad! I'm sticking to it and going to stay on the plan! Positive thoughts, positive thoughts.....

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

How happy can a pound be?

Ok, so this may not be exciting to some, but I went to WW tonight and 1.8 # lighter!!!!!! Wooohoooo! I know, I know, it doesn't sound like much but it is a beginning!

Monday, September 11, 2006 this my blog now?

Am I the only one using this blog now? That's ok, I'll post and hopefully someone will read...hate to type for nothing! Quick most of you know I've been doing the job search thing for quite some time. Not flooding the market with resumes, but looking and sending out resumes if something looks good, really good. Well, finally a good one came along and I had the interviews and WOW...they offered me the job (on 8/25). It was a good offer and I was excited.
On Saturday, (8/26) we go car shopping. I've been having trouble with my PT Cruiser not starting. I've had it to the repair shop and they can't find anything wrong with it. Their time it happens, don't jumpstart it, don't do anything, just have it towed in. If I bring it in AFTER we get it started then they can't find out what's wrong with it. Now that makes sense...wait until I'm stranded and then we'll help. I live a flippin' hour from town! So once I start for home or for work or for anywhere I can't stop and turn my car might not start again. Not my idea of fun when living in Alaska. So anyway, I traded it in on a Kia Amante. GREAT car. I love it. And I got a great deal on the Cruiser.
So I go in to work on the following Monday (8/28) and turn in my letter of resignation. My last day will be 9/8. My boss, who most of you know, I love dearly, just told me congratulations. Without going into all the boring details, the credit union made me a really great counter-offer and I've accepted. So I'm staying after all. More money, a good promotion...I'll stay.
And my motorcycle (ok, scooter)...I love it. After an incredible amount of frustration and anger, it finally arrived the early part of August. Of course that's about the time the rain really hit up here. Major rain, major flooding! So we brought it home and it sat nice and dry in the garage for a couple of weeks. But now....oh yeah...I'm riding it and loving it! No shifting on this baby! Just turn the throttle and pick up your feet! Tell my baby brother he needs to get his butt up here just so he can ride this one. 600 cc's and boy does it move! It'll cruise at 65 with no problem. I know, I know, it's not a Harley....but it sure is fun.
I bit the bullet and have officially started weight watchers (WW). I can't stand the excess weight any longer. J and I are starting to eat better...make better choices. Pray this weight comes off. My closet is bursting with clothes that don't fit.
Saving the best for last....the grandkids! I'm giving D lessons on driving my 4-wheeler. I'm on the back with her, but she's doing the driving. She's doing such a good job. But when did she get big enough to handle this stuff? R rides in front of me when it's his turn, but that's getting a bit difficult. He's gotten so big that I'm struggling to reach around him to the handlebars. And he just keeps saying, " Go faster Grandma!". Gotta love that boy...the need for speed! Yep, he's my grandson alright. (Don't tell anyone...they all think I'm a slow driver, right?)
Fall is here and J is busy getting things ready for winter. Remember, fall in Alaska is maybe a week....2 weeks if we get lucky. I won't type the "s" word, but it's just around the corner. We have a little termination dust on the peak of some of the mountains. Don't tell S.....she will cry. But it's ok to tell D...she loves it!
Ok, enough for now. It's 2:25 am and I need to get some sleep. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep. This is one of those nights...tired but can't fall asleep.
I'll try to post some pics. S is telling me to click the symbol of the picture...I have no picture symbol. I promise to get some in the snail mail too. Now, if I could just find the darned picture symbol....before S has to point it out and remind my how old I'm getting...LOL.
Love to Ohio...we miss you!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Prayers please

If everyone could please just take a moment to include my boss (F remembers him) in your prayers. He's in the hospital again. They are activating his pacemaker, but things aren't looking too good for him right now. More is wrong than just his heart and he can sure use all our help. Thanks!

3-day weekend

Finally, 3 full days off...all in a row. This is a major treat. And to start off the fun, I'm going to have a sleepover with D & R. S & K are going on a "date" and I'm taking care of the kiddos. Pray for some sunshine this weekend in Alaska!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Rain, rain, rain..

So, I just spent five minutes typing and ranting and raving about this rain. I hit the ole 'publish post' button and it just vanishes! Not bad enough this rain sucks (no, I'm not going to re-type the post I lost...) but I can't even whine about it. Apparently the blog gods thought it was either tasteless or not important enough to post! That's my luck these days. And nope, not going to bore everyone with the bad luck I've been having. The blog gods probably wouldn't let me post that either. Sorry ya'll, this is all you get from me today.

Love everyone!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Back to normal...rigth!

If you can call the craziness of everyday life normal, then we are there. Everything is busy as usual and the weather is absolutely ugly...more rain than I want to think about. And even more in the forecast. Thank goodness we have a boat. At this rate we're going to need it soon just to get to work. The state fair will be starting in a couple of weeks and D will be heading back to school next week. (Wait a will I...oh damn.) I finally have my film developed and was going to post a couple of them, but I'm challenged in that area...I have no flipping idea how to do it! Where in heavens name is the attach button? So I'll take my sorry self over to S and she'll give me a lesson in "picture attaching 101". Sad to say, I had to call her and ask how to get the pics off the memory chip in my digital camera and onto paper! Yes, I'm getting old and logical thinking is going out the window...floating away in all this rain!
Love everyone...huge hugs and kisses from Alaska!

Friday, August 11, 2006

THE Infamous Red Jeep

Somehow we managed to forget to get a photo with all of us in the Jeep. I'm not sure how that happened...heck we didn't even ride in it. But the kids did with Uncle Bud & had a blast..... I guess that's all that matters. If I really stop & think about it, it's what she would've wanted...the kids to enjoy her Jeep..she'd have gotten a real kick out that.....hmmm, something to think about :)

Red Jeep Attitude....

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Back Online

S, I don't know what you did to get the site back up but...THANK YOU! So, everyone is back in Alaska and I'm a totally happy G-ma. Yes, K & R leave tomorrow for Georgia, but only for a week. Thank you everyone for a fabulous summer vacation. Love you all lots!

Monday, June 26, 2006

One more sleep...

By Robert's clock we have one more sleep til we board the plane. Suitcase is packed and I'm heading to bed. Going to be a long day tomorrow! Love ya'll and see ya soon!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Just one week....

in addition to all of the fabulous things we've already covered below.......I have some very important & very personal 'charity' work to do..........

Bringing Starbucks to the unemployed! *snort* Lub you Femmers!!!!

One week

Well, as I'm typing this it is thundering. (thought of you SM) We are to get some thunderstorms today...some maybe severe. Anyways......just one more week until we PARTY!!!!! Just one more week until we sit around talking like a bunch of old hens, just one more week until a DQ cake isn't impossible, just one more week until we see those adorable kids (chicken anyone?), just one more week until we can hang out and laugh until we pee, just one more week....and this is the important one....until you are in the same state as L. You might not get to meet him right away (his work schedule) but let me tell you that it will be worth the wait. I can't tell you enough what a great guy he is. He is perfect for Fem. They are so cute together and we love to spend time with them. He has a wicked sense of humor and a very infectious laugh. Those are very important things in this family. The kids will love him. He has Ernie wrapped around his little's probably cause he spoils him with rubbins & treats.

Can't wait to see you all!!!! I better get back to work now. :)

Saturday, June 17, 2006

11 Days and counting...

Am I the only one watching this blog these days? One last time...Alaska meets L!

Monday, June 12, 2006

16 Days?

2-1/2 weeks! I don't care what we do. I don't care if we don't do anything. I'm in such need of a vacation and I just want to see everyone and see Ohio again. Get the lawn chairs out and have icey colds drinks ready (hot coffee in the morning) and I'll be happy! Heck I'll even mow the lawn...and don't worry I won't run into the side of the house or mow down any flowers!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

20 Days!!!!

Ok, so now it's officially 20 days.....(checking my math, today is the 8th, we arrive on the 28th....yep). Wow, I better start packing just in case I run out of time. Starting to get excited here. How close is the nearest Starbuck's to the airport? We all know how awful the coffee is on planes. At least SM can get her yummy diet coke...they can't mess that up. And D can get her water and R will want his juice...or some of Mom's diet coke. He so loves to sneak sips of her soda. So I guess you better watch out for him. One sip and one more and one more and before you know it he's downed the whole crazy can. And believe me, he does NOT need the added caffiene!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Coffee IV?

Excuse me, but could I reserve one of those too please? Keith can't match me (or even come close) to be addicted to caffiene. I think B and I run close in the coffee arena. Ok, ok, so B doesn't go for flavored, but I do both...and in large quantities!

Yep, it's June....

Of course you can have a picture of SM & Fem. And you can tell them I said so. I probably have the same one you do so I'll need a new one too. And a new picture of you and Fem and B...and one of Fem & L and one of....kwim! Anyway, the 28th can't get here fast enough. Oh, I'm renting a car at A/C Airport. I'll email details. Love y'all


Okay so I have no idea what day we are on - - don't care because I just want you to get here already!!!! Is it June 28 or July 1 yet??????? At least we're in the right month now.

I do have one request - - I need a new SM & Fem picture. Please??????? I could use other pictures updated also but I'll settle for this one. It is pretty old. I plan on taking many pictures so get ready - practice those cheese faces!

I can't wait for you to get here. Love you!!!

Monday, May 29, 2006

A little help please....

Ok, a suggestion or two or three from the Ohio side would help. I'm thinking of the famous Miss "F". Come on girl. And we'll even let you mention the famous (and mysterious to us) Mr "L".

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Getting closer...

34. Watching Bud rolling with laughter with Robert...the little guy will make Bud burst! (Watch out for the twinkle in his eyes)
35. Watching the Ohio family fall in love with Robert & Desi all over again
36. Relaxing with family
37. More food?
38. Fireworks on the July 4th (not too close...Desi hates the noise)

Friday, May 19, 2006

The countdown continues.....

Now we are at 39 days & counting.......

39. L. gets to see Femmie & I cut up in person!!!

40. Meeting L.

41. L. meets Alaska

42. Did I mention meeting L.

43. Food fight with L. *snort*

44. Laughing hysterically over abso-stinkin-lutley nothing with Femmie (like we did yesterday on the phone)

So how's that sounds ladies (& L. Boy)????

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Day 45 - L meets Alaska

Well, Femmie, at least L is humble, so he's fitting right in with the rest of us. No, don't draw attention to yourself....stay in the background and don't get noticed...NOT! So, here it is again, we're so excited to meet L. Or should we say...we're so excited that L gets to meet us...that sounds better. We're the special ones and he's the lucky one to get the chance to meet the rest of the family. L, ya better be on your toes Mister. Wipe that grin off your face and take this better pass muster with SM and I. We're tuff, very tuff...beware and be prepared. (Lord, don't ya just love messing with's a family thing...and we do it so well!)

Friday, May 12, 2006

Okay somehow we got off track....

we are still @ 46 days. I think it was when we were all playing 'catch up!

So I will do an official Day 46 & then we can pick up from there.....

Day 46: Did anyone mention "Meet L."?? Well even if we did, it wasn't nearly enough. I mean we could put "Meet L." or "Hang out with L." for every single day from now until June 28th & it still wouldn't be enough! ;)

***L.~ is that better??? We don't want you to think for a moment that we have forgotten you! ;)

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Day 42

42. Take the kiddos to the Rolling Ridge Ranch...I think they'd get a kick out of the animals coming up to the car...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Day 43

43. A girl's outing - like card stamping or painting pottery and then lunch of course maybe even manicures or something else girlie.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

44. Breakfast out

Breakfast - out or in....slow relaxing breakfast, just sitting around talking over coffee (ok, SM, diet coke for you). Guess it will have to be breakfast in and I'll cook. D & R will get bored with the adults sitting around talking so they can run around in the huge backyard. They'll love that.

Monday, May 08, 2006

46 & 45

I knew you were there. Thanks for catching us up. SM, I totally agree with number 51. I say if she doesn't post soon you have no other alternative but to post some blackmail pictures. No more mister nice guy! (plus I'm dying to see these pictures) On to the list.....

45. Movie night with lots of buttered popcorn (just in case it rains one night - just one though)

46. Ice cream and lots of it!!!!!! Milk 'n Honey, Heggy's, Cold Stone, Handel's.....I don't care where!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

50. 49. 48. 47....

Do I have the numbers right? I'm losing track, but getting so excited....
47. Sit, talk, more catch up...
48. Laugh, giggle, catch up...
49. Eat, talk, catch up...
50. Just enjoy doing doing...

Friday, May 05, 2006

Days 54, 53, 52, 51

51. Kickin Femmie's butt for being Bloggin' MIA for over a month now **snort**
52. The heat & lots of it!!!!
53. Going to Belden (or whatever it is called now) :)
54. I hope my kids get to see the Ice Cream Truck~ they think that is so cool, but we don't have it here



Monday, May 01, 2006

Day 58,57,56,55

We're slacking girls! Don't give up now's almost here.

55. Ernie showing off his new bone (had to get Ernie in there...he will love the kids)

56. Jackie's spaghetti

57. Some kind of family outing....amusement park, festival, fair, etc.

58. Sit outside & soak up the sun

Okay so I caught us up, now it's all yours. I can't believe that there is less than 2 months until we see each other. :) :) :) (this is me being very happy)

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Day 59

59. Meeting "L"....I know he's dying to see if we'll post it here it is L...all for you! Oh, by the way, is Femmie lost or something? Is she grounded, time out away from the keyboard, or just ignoring her Alaska family here?

Day 60

60. Strawberries (minus the glaze, right SM *snort, snort*)

61. lightning bugs....I can't wait to teach my kids how to catch lightning bugs :)
62.Seeing how many fools (that would be us) can share one bathroom ;)
63. 4th of July cookout complete with fireworks (no officer I am not using these in the state of Ohio)
65.Sitting outside in the evening...just relaxing & talking
66. Combos....a big bag of combos *snort*
67. Laughing (so hard we just about pee our pants) with Femmie into the wee hours of then night, then starting again at the crack of in Seattle
68.A kick-ass thunderstorm! For this I am putting in a special request.....
69. Keith finally getting to really know the family (Keith, be afraid...very afraid)
70. Slop (another special request from someone I love dearly)
71. Aunt Jack's eggs must make an appearance...but only on my plate...sorry....i'm just not sharin'
72. Kitchen Table conversation....with yummie coffee, in our jammies (ok maybe not the jammies)
73. Green Bean Soup - Ok, so I know the only person that will appreciate this is Bud.
74. get matching tattoos (I just wanna see what kind of reactions I get to this one *snort*)
75. Hide & Go Seek!
76. Alaska meets L (bet you wish you'd thought of that huh????)
77. Trip to Target (just for you TR)
78. Hamburgs on the grill
79. RJC picture
80. Pizza Oven
81. Dairy Queen Cake
82. Food Fight

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

61 days

61. lightning bugs....I can't wait to teach my kids how to catch lightning bugs :)
62.Seeing how many fools (that would be us) can share one bathroom ;)
63. 4th of July cookout complete with fireworks (no officer I am not using these in the state of Ohio)
65.Sitting outside in the evening...just relaxing & talking
66. Combos....a big bag of combos *snort*
67. Laughing (so hard we just about pee our pants) with Femmie into the wee hours of then night, then starting again at the crack of in Seattle
68.A kick-ass thunderstorm! For this I am putting in a special request.....
69. Keith finally getting to really know the family (Keith, be afraid...very afraid)
70. Slop (another special request from someone I love dearly)
71. Aunt Jack's eggs must make an appearance...but only on my plate...sorry....i'm just not sharin'
72. Kitchen Table conversation....with yummie coffee, in our jammies (ok maybe not the jammies)
73. Green Bean Soup - Ok, so I know the only person that will appreciate this is Bud.
74. get matching tattoos (I just wanna see what kind of reactions I get to this one *snort*)
75. Hide & Go Seek!
76. Alaska meets L (bet you wish you'd thought of that huh????)
77. Trip to Target (just for you TR)
78. Hamburgs on the grill
79. RJC picture
80. Pizza Oven
81. Dairy Queen Cake
82. Food Fight"

Monday, April 24, 2006

oops...63 is already 62 days

62.Seeing how many fools (that would be us) can share one bathroom ;)
63. 4th of July cookout complete with fireworks (no officer I am not using these in the state of Ohio)
65.Sitting outside in the evening...just relaxing & talking
66. Combos....a big bag of combos *snort*
67. Laughing (so hard we just about pee our pants) with Femmie into the wee hours of then night, then starting again at the crack of in Seattle
68.A kick-ass thunderstorm! For this I am putting in a special request.....
69. Keith finally getting to really know the family (Keith, be afraid...very afraid)
70. Slop (another special request from someone I love dearly)
71. Aunt Jack's eggs must make an appearance...but only on my plate...sorry....i'm just not sharin'
72. Kitchen Table conversation....with yummie coffee, in our jammies (ok maybe not the jammies)
73. Green Bean Soup - Ok, so I know the only person that will appreciate this is Bud.
74. get matching tattoos (I just wanna see what kind of reactions I get to this one *snort*)
75. Hide & Go Seek!
76. Alaska meets L (bet you wish you'd thought of that huh????)
77. Trip to Target (just for you TR)
78. Hamburgs on the grill
79. RJC picture
80. Pizza Oven
81. Dairy Queen Cake
82. Food Fight"

Day 63

Well, Well. Looky are all still alive and well. I'm glad you're okay and there was no need for me to get really nasty (hahahahahaha). I miss you guys and can't wait to see you! I tried to copy the list but it won't let me post so I'm just adding a day. Sorry :(

63. 4th of July cookout complete with fireworks (no officer I am not using these in the state of Ohio)

Sunday, April 23, 2006

64. only tastes good when it's really hot outside...something that doesn't happen in Alaska

Oh damn, so the whole thing did post and I just didn't see it. No, it's not old age and the eyes going bad. I swear I couldn't get it to post! And no, I didn't fall alseep at the nasty jokes'll all be this age someday and I'll still be around to remind you!
And as I mentioned on another blog...."leaving on a jet plane"...I hear it playing and I'm going to have the best looking dude holding my hand when we get off that plane, Robert! Yep, he's mine, all mine. SM might as well stand back and watch.....he's all G-ma's!

65. Sitting outside in the evening..just relaxing and talking

Ok, so I think maybe the list has finally gotten too long to repost....I tried for about 5 minutes and it woudn't post so I just posted #65. If any of you can get it to post the whole list, go for it!

65. Sitting outside in the evening...just relaxing in the warm summer breeze

Red Jeep Club:
"66. Combos....a big bag of combos *snort*

67. Laughing (so hard we just about pee our pants) with Femmie into the wee hours of then night, then starting again at the crack of in Seattle

68.A kick-ass thunderstorm! For this I am putting in a special request.....

69. Keith finally getting to really know the family (Keith, be afraid...very afraid)

70. Slop (another special request from someone I love dearly)
71. Aunt Jack's eggs must make an appearance...but only on my plate...sorry....i'm just not sharin'
72. Kitchen Table conversation....with yummie coffee, in our jammies (ok maybe not the jammies)
73. Green Bean Soup - Ok, so I know the only person that will appreciate this is Bud.
74. get matching tattoos (I just wanna see what kind of reactions I get to this one *snort*)
75. Hide & Go Seek!
76. Alaska meets L (bet you wish you'd thought of that huh????)
77. Trip to Target (just for you TR)
78. Hamburgs on the grill
79. RJC picture
80. Pizza Oven
81. Dairy Queen Cake
82. Food Fight"

Friday, April 21, 2006

Catchin' up....

Okay....I hear ya...I 'll get this sucker caught up

66. Combos....a big bag of combos *snort*

67. Laughing (so hard we just about pee our pants) with Femmie into the wee hours of then night, then starting again at the crack of in Seattle

68.A kick-ass thunderstorm! For this I am putting in a special request.....

69. Keith finally getting to really know the family (Keith, be afraid...very afraid)

70. Slop (another special request from someone I love dearly)
71. Aunt Jack's eggs must make an appearance...but only on my plate...sorry....i'm just not sharin'
72. Kitchen Table conversation....with yummie coffee, in our jammies (ok maybe not the jammies)
73. Green Bean Soup - Ok, so I know the only person that will appreciate this is Bud.
74. get matching tattoos (I just wanna see what kind of reactions I get to this one *snort*)
75. Hide & Go Seek!
76. Alaska meets L (bet you wish you'd thought of that huh????)
77. Trip to Target (just for you TR)
78. Hamburgs on the grill
79. RJC picture
80. Pizza Oven
81. Dairy Queen Cake
82. Food Fight


Where the heck is everyone? Did I miss the rapture? I wish I had some blackmail but I don't so I'll just have to be forceful. Somebody better be posting some updates, new news, adding to the list, something real soon or else!!!!! (said with a mean look, hands on hips and very stern voice) I know you are all scared as hell now aren't you? Really, where is everyone?

Monday, April 17, 2006

Day 70

70. Slop (another special request from someone I love dearly)

71. Aunt Jack's eggs must make an appearance...but only on my plate...sorry....i'm just not sharin'
72. Kitchen Table conversation....with yummie coffee, in our jammies (ok maybe not the jammies)
73. Green Bean Soup - Ok, so I know the only person that will appreciate this is Bud.
74. get matching tattoos (I just wanna see what kind of reactions I get to this one *snort*)
75. Hide & Go Seek!
76. Alaska meets L (bet you wish you'd thought of that huh????)
77. Trip to Target (just for you TR)
78. Hamburgs on the grill7
9. RJC picture
80. Pizza Oven
81. Dairy Queen Cake
82. Food Fight

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Day 71

71. Aunt Jack's eggs must make an appearance...but only on my plate...sorry....i'm just not sharin'
72. Kitchen Table conversation....with yummie coffee, in our jammies (ok maybe not the jammies)
73. Green Bean Soup - Ok, so I know the only person that will appreciate this is Bud.
74. get matching tattoos (I just wanna see what kind of reactions I get to this one *snort*)
75. Hide & Go Seek!
76. Alaska meets L (bet you wish you'd thought of that huh????)
77. Trip to Target (just for you TR)
78. Hamburgs on the grill
79. RJC picture
80. Pizza Oven
81. Dairy Queen Cake
82. Food Fight

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Day 72...

72. Kitchen Table conversation....with yummie coffee, in our jammies (ok maybe not the jammies)
73. Green Bean Soup - Ok, so I know the only person that will appreciate this is Bud.
74. get matching tattoos (I just wanna see what kind of reactions I get to this one *snort*)
75. Hide & Go Seek!
76. Alaska meets L (bet you wish you'd thought of that huh????)
77. Trip to Target (just for you TR)
78. Hamburgs on the grill
79. RJC picture
80. Pizza Oven
81. Dairy Queen Cake
82. Food Fight

Day 73

73. Green Bean Soup - Ok, so I know the only person that will appreciate this is Bud.
74. get matching tattoos (I just wanna see what kind of reactions I get to this one *snort*)
75. Hide & Go Seek!
76. Alaska meets L (bet you wish you'd thought of that huh????)
77. Trip to Target (just for you TR)
78. Hamburgs on the grill
79. RJC picture
80. Pizza Oven
81. Dairy Queen Cake
82. Food Fight

Thursday, April 13, 2006

74 & counting......

74. get matching tattoos (I just wanna see what kind of reactions I get to this one *snort*)

75. Hide & Go Seek!

76. Alaska meets L (bet you wish you'd thought of that huh????)

77. Trip to Target (just for you TR)

78. Hamburgs on the grill

79. RJC picture

80. Pizza Oven

81. Dairy Queen Cake

82. Food Fight

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Day 75

75. Hide & Go Seek! ~I seem to remember someone (I won't name names **cough Jackie cough**) getting stuck, clinging to the chimney a few years ago :) I think it would be way more fun if we combined it with a few foo-foo drinks LOL

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Day 76

Well, since noone else has said it I guess I will........

76. Alaska meets L (bet you wish you'd thought of that huh????)

77. Trip to Target (just for you TR)
78. Hamburgs on the grill
79. RJC picture
80. Pizza Oven
81. Dairy Queen Cake
82. Food Fight

Come on ladies... your turn now. :)

Monday, April 10, 2006


No I'm not computer froze up and when it finally got done being a pain in my a** there were 3 posts. I guess we really have to go to Target now since it's on there 3 times. Later ladies :)

Day 77

77. Trip to Target (just for you TR)

78. Hamburgs on the grill
79. RJC picture
80. Pizza Oven
81. Dairy Queen Cake
82. Food Fight

Day 77

77. Trip to Target (just for you TR)

78. Hamburgs on the grill
79. RJC picture
80. Pizza Oven
81. Dairy Queen Cake
82. Food Fight

Day 77

77. Trip to Target (just for you TR)

78. Hamburgs on the grill
79. RJC picture
80. Pizza Oven
81. Dairy Queen Cake
82. Food Fight

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Day 78

Hamburgers on the grill! So please ask Bud if he'll assist with this one, he makes them best. And we'll even consider having him in one of our RJC pics..that will thrill him. (Ok, do we notice a theme going on, food, food!) Lord, I can harldy wait. Love ya!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Day 79

79. RJC picture
80. Pizza Oven
81. Dairy Queen Cake
82. Food Fight

Friday, April 07, 2006

Day 80

Red Jeep Club:
80. Pizza Oven (I know, big surprise!)

"81. DAIRY QUEEN CAKE ( I know another obvious choice)

82. Food Fight! (I know you saw that comin')"

Thursday, April 06, 2006


so i'm feeling much better. Tuesday night just kinda slipped by. I think I dozed all night. Still having alittle trouble breathing but definitely getting better. I don't know though, I told Fem I might have a weekly relapse if flowers are involved. I can't wait for you to me L - I think you will really like him. Great sense of humor!!!!

As for the count down......

81. DAIRY QUEEN CAKE ( I know another obvious choice)

82. Food Fight! (I know you saw that comin')

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Femmie~ Did you get the CD??? And what is this about roses??? You are turning into an uber-girlie-girl! Love ya!
Mom~ we need to have a pow-wow about Easter. I am at a total loss for Operation Easter Bunny. Think on it & let me knw!
Stacy A~ Are you feeling better?? Sounds to me like you need a Dairy Queen know it'll cure what ails ya! ;)

So the countdown:
82 days
I have made an executive decision~ to get everybody posting we are going to amp up the countdown a bit. Everyday for the next 82 days somebody has to list something they think needs to be on the 'to do list' for our visit. Capiche? And be sure to copy & paste the previous list to you post so we can get the full effect.... I'll start.....
82. Food Fight! (I know you saw that comin')
okay...who next for day 81??? Anyone, anyone?? Bueller???

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Monday, April 03, 2006

April 3rd

Enough said.....

Sunday, April 02, 2006

B**** Mode - who Me?

Ok, so first let me explain that the last week and a half has been some sort of hell for me at work. Dealing with a huge HR issue that won't end until tomorrow morning (Monday, 4/3) at approximately 10:00 am...sorry, no boss (bless his heart) only working 2 or 3 hours a day due to still recovering from his heart surgery (he's making me a wreck worrying about him even coming to work), so he's not much help with the the HR issue above (besides, he and I are in total disagreement about it, so that only makes matters worse)....2 projects that are past due on the glorious "MS Project" timeline (they are both stuck on my desk, thank you)...and a variety of other things, soooooooooooo....
Friday evening I'm running slightly late for an appointment, I rush out to my car and NOTHING. No gurrrring sound from the engine, no clicking sound from the starter, no ominous smoke or smelly or anything. Just plain dead. So I call J. and I get the usual questions...what's it doing...what's it not doing....what are you hearing...what are you seeing (dashboard)....and on and on. Ok, so he's on his way (an hour away). I call to cancel my appointment and go thru THE questions again....what's it doing...what's it not doing....what are you hearing...what are you seeing (dashboard)....and on and on. Of course, after answering...I get the response "Sorry, wish I could help. Take care." Sure I'll take care, I'll take care to walk to the nearest bar and order the biggest drink they have...LOL. So I go back into the office, or at least try...the building is locked and my key is not cooperating. Finally, after banging on the doors (I can see people walking around inside) someone comes over and lets me back in..."J., What's wrong?" I tell her my car won't start and here we go...THE questions...what's it doing...what's it not doing....what are you hearing...what are you seeing (dashboard)....and on and on. Her response is...gee wish I could help. Let's find a guy. Ok, so we walk into the inner-sanctum (the branch) and another girl walks up and asks what's wrong..."My car won't start. I hate to sound sexist, but are any guys around?" Here we go again....THE questions....what's it doing...what's it not doing....what are you hearing...what are you seeing (dashboard)....and on and on. By the time she gets to the last question I'm slightly peeved and so I look at her and say...."Nothing...what part of's doing nothing, don't you understand?" I had hit my limit and 0 - to - 60 B**** mode was flying! How was I to know she's "mechanically inclined". Oh please! Give it a rest....I didn't intend to insult her... I was just tired of answering the same questions with no help. And besides, I'm female and my family can attest I am NOT mechanically inclined in any way. Nope not me! So now I have offended some female, who as she explained to me very bluntly...."Doesn't need a man." Congratulations honey...I'm happy for you! I need a man...I don't know, nor do I want to know anything about anything under the hood of a car. I'm perfectly happy to admit I'm mechanically challanged!
The surprising this about the event....everyone knows how laid back I am....nothing shakes me. I'm cool and calm....I don't have a temper at all! Right family? Come on, agree with me here.....please? I said, and I repeat...AGREE WITH ME DAMN IT!
Love ya.... (rolling on the floor laughing here cause I know what y'all are doing right now!)

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Channeling A.K. ........'s been 2 wouldn't think she'd find it funny anymore.... I am sooooo sick & tired of having stains on my white shirts. What the hell?? At first it was funny, now it is downright annoying. I am sure Femmie is thinking "Well, if you didn't wear white shirts so often it wouldn't be a problem.." But that's not the point. Kay has got to quit messing with me....I am fed up. I just bought a new shirt last night at Wally World & sure enough, right in the middle is a brown stain. And from what I do not know. I've only had eggs so far today. Hmph! But if she insists on jackin' with me, I have a trick up my sleeve...the almightly Clorox Bleach Pen. This shit is the bomb! I bet she wishes they'd had this around in her day... but life would be sooo much easier if she'd just stop it!

Alos forgot to tell you all...I had a dream about her the other night. It was like 'the dreams' but it was funny this time. We were all at home & we were gonna go to an Indian's game (I have no idea where that one came from???). Anyway we were in line to get tickets & she was standing there beside me. I could see every was her down to a T. She was even wearing a blue flannel shirt. It was way cool. But like 'the dreams' we all knew she had already passed away. And we were all okay with it. So I looked at her and said "you want me to get your ticket??" She cracked up. She threw her hands up in the air. Then she said "what the hell do I need one for?!" And she laughed. Then she said "I don't need one to get in anymore". It was way cool. You all know what I mean...........

The countdown continues.....

90 days!!!!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Just for you Femmie.....

Since she's turned all "giddy-girly & all!" J/K Lub ya! Forty nerdy!!!
oh yeah & while I'm here.....94 more days!!!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Friday night...and no word

I'm saddened, distessed, upset and just plain worried. No word on how the "meeting' went. Come on, don't keep me in suspense! How did it go?

It's Friday &

95 more days!!!!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Ok, Ok...

Ok, ok....SM knows there's a potential issue going on here and I can't talk about it (or I'll jinx the whole thing). Guess I'll just have to take my chances that everything will work out. So now I have to work on the budget (hate that), work on Jim (oh lord), and work on leave time....not sure if there are any open spots left on the department schedule. Love ya!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Sing it with me now.....

98 more days!!! 98 more days!!!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Okay ladies....

how is everyone????
Femmie~ I am sooo excited for you! But I must admit, everytime I say "Larry" outloud, I break into spontaeous song ( RJC rule, you know)...the song from Veggie Tales "Larry Boy"...have you heard it??? If not, I'll make sure you do VERY soon! :) Tell him I said "Hi!"
Jackie~ Thanks so much for last night! We had a great time! Love you! And yes, I'm gonna put you on the spot now.....check out the freakin tickets, check out the freakin school schedule & make arrangements to get your little hiney on a plane with me...."We're leaving on a jet plane......yada yada" And when are you gonna start a blog??? I've got a great pic or 2 that I could share :)
Stacy A~ What the heck is up with your blog??? Hello??? I am going into withdrawl here...& don't you know this is ALL about me??????? You'd better be sure to give me ALL the dish on Larry Boy on Friday, okay?? I NEED to know! It's the right of a big sister! :)

99 days til we go to Ohio!!!!
Stacy~ the Dirty Little Fun Haver :)

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Red Jeep Club

Sunday night already?
So, where did the weekend go? Friday night - bunko, and SM volunteered to be designated driver. Huge thanks for that. I truly needed a night of not worrying if I drank one too many wine coolers....I know, I'm such a lush. But I've become a real lightweight in the alcohol arena so two wine coolers is enough for me to question my drivng abilities. She even drove me home, to be sure I was safe. Now is that a sweet daughter or what? Always looking out for Mom!
Up early Saturday morning for the drive in to Anchorage with J and K. The three of us hit a couple of the motorcycles dealers and then went to the cycle show. More cycle shops after and then the huge greasy burgers (like the one's they make at Bud's Corner - YUM). We had a hugely great day. SM was waiting at home with the kiddos and we spent the evening, ate some more. S makes superb fahitas and we kicked back and watched Walk The Line. Great show...I loved it.
Sunday was just busy with housework (Yes, I do that once in awhile), got my nails done, and then met the family for dinner at Evangelo's to celebrate S's b-day last Tuesday. Back to our house for Cold Stone icecream cake and more conversation. Mostly giggling by Robert!
A phone call from an employee forced me to do some research on FMLA requirements so I thought I'd stop here for a second or two to say hi and catch everyone up on the busy weekend.
Yep, they're coming home this summer and I couldn't be happier for everyone. I'm so excited for you all to see how much the grandkids have grown. Uncle B should be delegated to sleeping with R...they will make such a good pair. And please make sure he takes some long walks with D (or just quiet sitting)...just the two of them. She'll amaze everyone with her perception and deep thinking of things. R will tell you up front what he wants and what he needs...not bashful at all. And the more sugar and candy and soda, the happier he is. D on the other hand, won't ask and won't complain. And she truly loves ice water (with crushed ice)and lemonade and fresh fruit and veggies. R is the junkfood addict...D is the good eater.
I've looked at flights and I don't know yet. I have to check on the stupid (yes, stupid) class schedule for summer and I have a few other things I need to work out before I can make plans on this end. It would be nice to come home...summer, sunshine, heat, humidity, ok....I better stop!
Love ya!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Happy Birthday!

Happy ??nd Birthday S! Yes, only a few short years ago you came into the world as my precious baby daughter and now you're a beautiful young lady with children of your own. Seems like just yesterday, yet look how far we've come. May all your dreams come true and may all your wishes be granted. And most of all, may your children bring you as much joy and make you as proud as you have made me. I'm truly blessed to be able to say you are my daughter! I love you S...sweet dreams.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Red Jeep Club

Red Jeep Club
Sunday morning (or afternoon by now) and getting ready to go to my favorite guy's birthday party. Yes, R is having a Monster Truck party! Just got off the phone with SM and he's driving her just slightly crazy wanting to know if it's time to go yet. He's ready....ready for playing with his friends, and ready for cake and ice cream, and ready for pizza, but most of all he's ready for his favorite thing in the whole world...presents! The joy and excitement in his eyes will be tremendous. Yes, I'll be helping SM & K with the kids and the food and the spills, but I'll mainly be watching my grandson. Watching as another year has gone by and he's growing up faster than any of us want him to. Watching all the emotions exploding out of him...the giggles and laughter and surprise and happiness. And I know that I'll be able to look over at D and see the quiet love she has for her little brother. She loves the little guy so much and she's so proud of each and every one of his accoplishments...counting, his alphabet, etc. And she glows and blushes when you ask her if she helped R learn something. The love between the two of them is so wonderful and so heart-warming. Sure, there's the normal sibling spats, but it's part of growing up. SM & K, you're doing such a great job, you're such incredible parents...thank you for my grandchildren. Ok, enough of the mushy to get ready for MONSTER TRUCK PARTY!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

No thoughts

Ok, so I checked in just to see if anything new had been posted and guess what....NOTHING! At first I was disappointed, upset, frustrated, sad....and then I realized...Hey, I hadn't posted anything lately so why be upset at the rest of you, right? Ok, my fault....I've been slackin'. So, here's my post....I miss you all like crazy! I'm just a little homesick tonight...yeah right.....I'm real homesick tonight. No particular reason, nothing profound or earth shattering happened today, no lightening bolts, or mysterious shadows crossing my path. Just that quiet little nagging I get now and again. So yes, again, I'll sit and cry and miss everyone so badly and drag myself out of this chair and go to bed. Prayers and sweet dreams dear sisters (yes, daughters and nieces included) of are in my heart always. Stay safe and be happy! Love ya!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Femmie~ just for you....Saturday's Red Jeep Count was 9 & I never left the Valley due to the snow. Man was AK busy.....I think girlfriend needs a hobby :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

So it's safe to say you don't want to deal with on-call doctor's, right? I just want to be sure I'm not reading this wrong....LOL! I couldn't help frustrating as it must have been at the time, I'm just glad everything is ok now. Maybe you need to do something drastic, like stick you shoe up know what! And then have them call an on-call doctor to have it removed. See how they like waiting around.
Anyway, my boss went home today. He's really doing well and is hoping to be back to work in a few weeks...Partial days only. The power of prayer is great...Thanks everyone for all of them.
Tired tonight, so not much else to say.
Love all of you and miss you bunches...Later!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Happy Monday! I know, what's so happy about Monday. I can honestly say I don't know - humor me though. Sorry to hear about your boss Jackie. I will keep him in my prayers. I'm glad that S & K got away together. That's fun to do ocassionally. Do you think she'll break the bank or go broke doing "research" on the yummy drinks?
Not much else going on here except the Fem thing. She added a new twist this weekend. She has to go back to the doctor today because her jaws got swollen & had lumps & she hasn't eaten since Saturday night because of the pain and not being able to swallow. We think it might have something to do with the prednisone - especially since she hasn't taken any now for about 24 hours and it is a little better. Don't get me started on the "on-call" doctor. It took us 2 hours and 4 phone calls before someone called us back. Can you say pissed??? Yep, I lost me cool - slightly - okay so alittle more than slightly. But come on - isn't that what we pay these outrageous charges for - for you to give a crap & call me back!!!
Anyways, I'm having my sister, Mary and her girls over tonight for dinner. I need alittle Kendra-Kennedy fix. John is hooked on Kennedy. She is the happiest little thing. My sister is doing okay. Everyday is different. Some are good and some are bad - it's the bad ones that I get the phone calls. Her next court date is March 2 and I hope that the divorce will be final at that time. It will be nice for her to be able to move on & make a new life for her & the girls. Who knows though - when Dan's involved everything is a drama.
We'll talk more later. Over & out!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

So S&K are out and about in Vegas and I'm sure they're loving it. Talked to S last evening and she was doing well at the high stakes "nickle slots"...really! She had to leave her beloved slot machine and retire for a short nap...she was actually falling asleep at the machine. Talk about dedicated! K's archery tourney is going good.
D&R are doing fine. We've completed their Valentine cards for school, huge thank you to D for helping out so much with R's class. She can be such a little mama at times. ("No Robert, you can't put the sticker there. Let me show you." "No Robert, don't fold it again." No Robert, that's not how you spell that name." "Oh Robert, let me show you how." She just takes control and gets it done. Wonder where she learned that? (Maybe her Mama?)
On a sad note, my boss, Gordy, ( remember him) is in the hospital. He was rushed in via ambulance on Tuesday evening (2/7). He had passed out in the bathroom. At first they thought it was a stroke...ruled that out. So then they thought heart attack and ruled that out. So they did an angiogram (don't laugh at the spelling, I have no idea). Well, the news is a quintuple bypass. And also repair to a leaking valve. This is scheduled for Monday, 2/13. He's in good spirits and has a positive attitude, but naturally is scared silly. Being 65, he's worried about quality of life after the surgery and if he's even going to be able to come back to work at all. You see he has a series of other health problems, not the least of which is his diabetes. At the moment everything is out of control. None of his meds are working right and the doctor is actually surprised he's survived this long. Please, please keep him in your prayers.
For me, I'm beating myself up pretty badly right now. I've become so frustrated with him lately and he and I have had a couple of arguements (work related). Now I just feel so damned guilty for any stress I may have caused. He's such a dear friend. He's my mentor and my coach. He's my rock at work and yet he's been driving me crazy with not doing anything....just handing it all off to me. I know he's just trying to guide me and teach me...I know that. But I can only do so much and I've been feeling like I'm stretched to the breaking point. He's the kindest, gentlest man. I know he's only been doing what he feels is best....
Hope all is well back in Ohio.

Take ya all so much!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Okay...I am off to do official research for the next RJC trip...I think Vegas would be a blast. And I nominate Femmie to be DD (designated driver) ~ NOT! That's what they have cheap cabs for! You gotta take advantage of the 99cent margaritas! Love you all & 'talk' to you next week!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Betcha thought Fem got lost in her room huh? "snort, snort" Okay, so she won't think that's very funny. How about her passing her CPR with a 100%. You go girl! Gotta keep the prayers going for financial aid. Everything seems to be falling in place though. She is very excited & has already purchased her Dansko nursing shoes.

Anyways, about this trip thing. It will really depend on when & where & how much. I know, I know. Taxes didn't go so swell this year. Thought we would be able to take some big deductions but apparently they weren't BIG enough. We also lost another deduction this year (Fem). Ouch! We will also be still paying off teeth & a new garage so we'll see. Bud says we should definitely do something. He's so great - plus he says I will be able to do lots of stuff before I even come close to the cost of his new garage. (I think I'm a garage widow - he's having a blast tinkering.) I did check some different dates to get an idea for cost for flights & hotels for this summer. I checked Las Vegas & Chicago & believe it or not, they will be about the same cost (for Fem & I anyways). I was also looking at a 4-day cruise to the Bahamas - sun, sand, pools, non stop eating, entertainment, shopping - what more can I say . Oh well, time to quit playing around & get back to work. It's Friday, who cares! Love you!!!
Ok ladies. I know I've been MIA. Y'all are absolutely nuts, ya know that? I truly enjoyed the pink jeep...she would have died at the thought of us encouraging the color pink. lol...can't you just hear her? "damn you guys"...LOL...

I think a red jeep club trip sounds wonderful....but it will definitely depend on when classes start and just how much money I'm gonna have to fork over for classes. Keep your fingers crossed and say lots of prayers for millions in financial aid so that my burden is a little lighter. If it's meant to be, it will happen. Right? Come on Kay....pull some strings with the Big Guy....hehehe.

I'm a firm believer that there are exactly 10 red jeeps that are very strategically placed in the world (mainly Palmer and Louisville...though they have been spotted in Illinois as well)...but the number doesn't particularly matter...what matters is the power she has to move them to our exact location at any given time. She's a nut...just like the rest of us. :-)

Oh, and Aunt Jack...the serious student bit? That made me laugh. I know you're smart, and I know you do well in your classes....but let's not over do it here, huh? Ya know I love ya. ;-)

Ok, ladies. I gotta run. I promise not to take so long next time to respond to everything. Have a great day all!!!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

I've got the perfect place for the Red Jeep Club, kind of a sentimental spot that won't disrupt Femmie's sleep or studies....F----'n Norton, Ohio! Talk about boring, but you have to admit, Femmie wouldn't feel bad about being left behind. And it's close enough to a certain someone's home that Stacy M and I wouldn't have to worry about a place to stay...Cost savings!
What do you mean, I don't mind skipping class? You know how studious I am...An exemplary student, sort of. I do get my assignments done and turned in on time. The lowest grade so far is a B+, and if I didn't hate re-writes so badly I could have brought that one up to an A. Hey, I just want the blasted piece of paper. Yes, I know, the education and all that. Just give me the damned degree and be done with it. I'm too old for this crap! This studying and homework and research is killing me. Ok, and Stacy M is going to lecture the H out of me when I say this one....I received a certified letter from APU congratulating me. You see at the end of this semester I will officially have 61 credit hours. Exciting, huh? Well that means (in APU language) that starting next semester the cost goes up. Only $305 per credit hour. That's a whopping $900 a class each semester. Yes, I know the credit union pays 50%. But that means I still have to pay $450 for each 3 credit class I take. So, dear daughter of mine....I can hear you now...And I know I deserve it so go ahead. Tell me what an idiot I am for staying with APU. It's crazy...But it is the politically correct thing to do....I guess. Dang, that's a chunk of money! I need that for the RJC trips.
Nite all....Love ya bunches!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

So I was reading Mom's post & got to daydreaming (read:avoiding laundry) about the next RJC trip...Where? When? How freakin' fun!!! But then it dawned on me...come fall we will have a student in our midst again. ( is a student, but not full time. She also doesn't hesitate to skip school for cool stuff!LOL) But Fem will be way we'll just have to leave her behind.......just kidding! (I'd have loved to see your face when you read that Fem! *snort*) I was really going to say that we'll have to see what her school schedule is & then go from there. PLUS, we better go somewhere pretty boring like Iowa, as not to disrupt her school year bedtime! HA! Okay...enough of my snarky comments.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Ok, so the font was funny, but changing the whole jeep to pink with white interior....that was just sooooo wrong.
And what's this about only 10 red jeep wranglers? Stacy, step away from the Diet have officially over-dosed on the stuff this time! Or is it maybe diet coke withdrawal? Do I need to get dressed and zip over to the store and pick up a fresh supply for you? Believe, I'll do it! I usually see one or two red jeeps every day on my way to work. So that means there are only eight left for the rest of the world? You know I believe in our loved ones touching us from the other side and still having an affect on our lives. But only 10 red jeeps and K has managed to strategically place them ALL in Canton, Ohio and Anchorage/Palmer/Wasilla, Alaska...that has to be wearing her out just keeping track of them. What are the chances? Ok, enough of thing you'll be telling me there's an Algebraic formula for this. And dear daughter, you know only too well how algrebra makes me twitch!
Anyway, I just finished my taxes and I'm not going to give an amount (it will jinx it, I just know it), but y'all keep your fingers crossed and PRAY.....if I get the refund (no more IRS scares) I've got a small chunk to save back for the Red Jeep Club trip in 2006! Vegas anyone....or Hawaii maybe? Or some huge mall shopping area? Ok, so no Hawaii.....that's Desi's dream place I could never go there without her.....sorry ladies. Maybe we could plan Hawaii for the first time Desi goes with us. Lord, that would be so special. Dang, now I'm crying here. The grandkids do that to me more and more....I think of Desi and Robert and all the sweet special things they do, the love they so freely give me, the joy they bring into my life and I get all teary-eyed. S.A. and Femmie, those two truly are the light of my life. Stacy is such a great Mom to them and they are so lucky to have her. Desi with her soft voice talking serious things with Stacy and Robert wanting nothing more than to snuggle up to "Mamma" and fall alseep. (Ok, so Robert wants his junk food first, and then snuggle up, ok?)
Enough for now I have to get to bed....another early morning tomorrow.
Love you all so much!
I knew that someone would know the answer to that. I agree, K would be lovin' to mess with us. I'm just thankful that she's not playing around with the weather this year. I do know about Barb and read her blog and also Ashley's from time to time. My heart goes out to them. I know how crushed we were with K and that wasn't her choice. I can't imagine the pain & grief that comes with suicide.
Oh! Oh!! ***waves hand wildly in air like an overzealous middle school student trying to answer a question in Ohio History*** I know the answer to the following question:

Just how many red jeeps are there anyways?

Answer: There are only 10 Red Jeep Wranglers in all of North America. However, Kay has made it her mission to see that the said 10 are strategically positioned near us at all times. Believe me, of this I am certain!

Femmie & I have talked about this~ I am sure that one day I am gonna be driving down the road & see a Red Jeep. And when I look over you know she is gonna be sitting there waving back at me! You know it, don't ya??? As crazy & impossible as it sounds, you know it's gonna happen. And she's gonna laugh her ass off when she does it. :) If there was ever a person in all of world history who would 'come back' just to mess with's her. She'd have a riot! Just like (on not such a humorous, but equally touching note) she impacts things in our lives everyday. Stacy A.~ has Femmie told you about our 'coincidence' with Barb...a lady who's blog we follow??? If not ask her. I truly think God has given Kay a little leeway in terms of all of us... he lets her touch our lives in little ways all the time. Now I know that goes against a lot of belief systems, but you know what~ I've always been taught God can do ANYTHING & I think he knows we just need this, KWIM???

Okay...this was supposed to be a super-silly post & I made myself cry...I gotta get a sarcastic mojo must be slippin'.....

Love ya all! SM

OOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhh - you guys are so goin' get it! Can someone answer me this question? Just how many red jeeps are there anyways? I swear I see them all the time. On Saturday when we went to Starbucks (now the drive-thru Starbucks) I thought I had remembered seeing one before we got there. I asked Steph , you know just to make sure I wasn't delusional, and sure enough she saw it too. It used to freak me out when I'd see them but now it's rather comforting.

Oh yeah, I thought of another rule. (Rule 2 was in a previous post) Rule 3: Spontaneous singing. You know the crank it up, sing in your car, I'm a star singing. Of course, it has to be done so that anyone driving past you thinks "what the heck?" and it's usually loud & off pitch. This can also happen at the mall, restaurants, or any other public place. Steph & I do this alot, but we really are stars. We are! Are you doubting me?????????????? Talk atcha later, I better get to work.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Your font color ain't nothing....check this out!!!!! LOL

She would just KILL me!!! I can just hear her.......

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Ok, so I changed the font color in honor of the original red jeep owner....I know she's growling at me right now cause she absolutely hated any shade of pink! She's probably sending all kinds of bad vibes down on me....and I love her for it.
So, Stacy M, you can choose whichever name you prefer. Just pick one and stick with it...don't be confusing me. I'm old and my brain is fried by the time I get around to blogging at night. You forgot one....little name for you when I was trying to not call you a brat or a bad child or a little shit or something worse (in your growing-up years). But choose one that you feel suits you now...have fun it with girl.
I have to tell you, the pics from the Ohio Starbucks are just a tad bit scary. I can't believe the two of you (Stacy A and Femmie) were sitting that close when that car came crashing thru the wall. I'm so thankful neither of you were hurt, just shaken nerves I'll bet. Those guardian angels on your shoulders were working overtime that day! In did say you were bored at home, but I'll be you weren't looking for that much excitement. Sitting home bored doesn't seem so bad now does it? I can only imagine some of the remarks Bud had for your adventure. Not that he's a smart*** or anything. He just has such a way with words.
Well, gotta print off more stuff for my glorious class (Psychology of Organizational Behavior) and then get to bed.
Love you all and miss everyone so much! (The Red Jeep Club is going on a trip...where, when...I want to go! Someplace warm and sunny with lots and lots of shopping and oodles of foo-foo drinks!)

Thursday, January 26, 2006

I am sooooo excited that you are all 'here'.......I love you all & miss you so much (even YOU that lives just a few miles away :). I didn't even think about there being two "Stacy's". You know, I don't ever really call myself by name (& if you do, you might need to seek some help). This prompted me to think of a pseudonym for myself. Here's what I have come up with so far:
Diva (or so I'd like to think *snort**)
Madame Stacy (Just typing that puts me into complete hysterics...ahhhhh!) Oh & for those of you who don't know what this means, I assure you it has NOTHING to do with a brothel or anything....just a cruel childhood joke
Diet Coke-a-saurus
Anilom Ycats (ya know....Bud's talent of calling people by their name backwards. Even my kids know their "back name")
Okay, that's it so far...but I'm sure I'll come up with more later!

So first order of business within the club is we gotta have some

1. You gotta be crazy...not psycho...but family-dinner food-fights-crazy....capiche??

So who's next??? We all gotta contribute on the rules part....

Second order of business....when & where is the next Red Jeep Club Trip??? I can hardly wait........

Lastly...I included a Red Jeep Photo, but now we gotta figure out how to make one of those header things to keep it perm. across the top.....I'll try to figure it out. (But don't get your hopes up!)

Forty nerdy!
Hey Hey fellow groupies!! This is way too cool! I, like Jackie, wanted my own blog too but for the reasons she listed I never started own either. This one is very special though and I am thrilled to be a part of this "club". I really love to read yours (you know who you are) but now we can write back and forth. At the risk of sounding redundant - this is way cool! We definitely need a red jeep posted on this site - I'm sure you would all agree that it wouldn't be the same without it. I'll leave that up to the more experienced bloggers since I don't have a clue what I'm doing. Look forward to chatting with y'all. Hey, how about a password? Just kidding. See ya later!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I you think we could add a picture of a Red Jeep to our site? Just curious...ok, bye.
This is gonna be a hoot ladies. Finally, our own little place to talk and post as we wish. Now we can write to each other at our own free will and be as goofy as we want...wait, is goofy a choice in this club?'s part of the membership. lol I think tihs is gonna be good. More to is late, and all Red Jeep chics need their beauty sleep. Night!
OMG, I'm actually, officially part of a blog! Wow, this is such an enormous honor. No more being a visitor at someone else's more waiting for them to post something, and then hesitating to reply for fear my comment will seem worthless or mundane or boring. Ok, so we're a we have special decoder rings or an official membership card....or how about a secret handshake? (Giggles) Ok, so enough craziness... I need to get back to work. Yes, I really do work!
Welcome! (Man, that sounds way too formal!) I am just putting this first post up so the page doesn't look so bare.....this is the Red Jeep Club. We aren't really about Jeeps...just honoring someone in our own way. So far we are just a small group of women (several of us are even family) who wanted our own 'thing'. The whole idea was born when Femmie & I asked a friend if her husband had been in a fraternity~ he just had the Frat Boy thing going on. Although he hadn't been Greek, he & some buddies formed their own 'club' that has survived for years now. Well, we decided we wanted that too....thus the Red Jeep Club was born! Viola!