Wednesday, February 01, 2006

So I was reading Mom's post & got to daydreaming (read:avoiding laundry) about the next RJC trip...Where? When? How freakin' fun!!! But then it dawned on me...come fall we will have a student in our midst again. ( is a student, but not full time. She also doesn't hesitate to skip school for cool stuff!LOL) But Fem will be way we'll just have to leave her behind.......just kidding! (I'd have loved to see your face when you read that Fem! *snort*) I was really going to say that we'll have to see what her school schedule is & then go from there. PLUS, we better go somewhere pretty boring like Iowa, as not to disrupt her school year bedtime! HA! Okay...enough of my snarky comments.

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