Thursday, April 13, 2006

74 & counting......

74. get matching tattoos (I just wanna see what kind of reactions I get to this one *snort*)

75. Hide & Go Seek!

76. Alaska meets L (bet you wish you'd thought of that huh????)

77. Trip to Target (just for you TR)

78. Hamburgs on the grill

79. RJC picture

80. Pizza Oven

81. Dairy Queen Cake

82. Food Fight


Jackie said...

There's a limit and I think you just hit it. No F***** WAY!

stacy a said...

Absolutely! Count me in. Actually , I'd probably chicken out but I really have always wanted a small tattoo. Maybe we'll just get the temporary ones for our picture. Great idea though.

Stacy said...

Temporary would be a fab idea. I'd love to have a small one too, but I am such a scaredy-cat!