Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Day 75

75. Hide & Go Seek! ~I seem to remember someone (I won't name names **cough Jackie cough**) getting stuck, clinging to the chimney a few years ago :) I think it would be way more fun if we combined it with a few foo-foo drinks LOL


Jackie said...

I can't believe literally read my mind. I was thinking about this on the way to work today and was going to post it this evening. Ok, so I'll stay away from chimneys and ladders. We'll need travel mugs of some sort w/lids...don't want to spill the foo-foo drinks. That would be such a waste, ya know.

Larry and Steph said... fact, I'm laughing my ass off...I so remember this as one of my favorite childhood memories. I have the craziest family lol...I love you guys!!!

stacy a said...

Not to worry Jackie....the dreaded antenna has been removed. That was a blast though. Hide N Seek and volleyball. Remember volleyball? Oh my gosh...we do have fun! I'll try to stock up on travel mugs. In fact I probably have plenty. It's getting closer...can't wait! Love you!