Thursday, April 27, 2006

Day 59

59. Meeting "L"....I know he's dying to see if we'll post it here it is L...all for you! Oh, by the way, is Femmie lost or something? Is she grounded, time out away from the keyboard, or just ignoring her Alaska family here?


stacy a said...

I believe she's caught up in the "L" effect. She says nothing's really goin' on but that's not true - there's always something goin' on. Plus to be on her side for a moment - she has been sick for about 10 days now. Yep, she has the famous cold. Maybe she'll post something soon......if we keep bugging her.

Anonymous said...

Ok ladies...I get the hint. Sometime in the next few days I'll post something...I'm just not sure where to start...any suggestions?? LOL...and "L" says he to tell you that he's glad he made the list again, he just can't comment because he doesn't have the internet at this very moment. OK..lub ya...and I promise promise promise I'll try to post soon.