Thursday, April 27, 2006

Day 60

60. Strawberries (minus the glaze, right SM *snort, snort*)

61. lightning bugs....I can't wait to teach my kids how to catch lightning bugs :)
62.Seeing how many fools (that would be us) can share one bathroom ;)
63. 4th of July cookout complete with fireworks (no officer I am not using these in the state of Ohio)
65.Sitting outside in the evening...just relaxing & talking
66. Combos....a big bag of combos *snort*
67. Laughing (so hard we just about pee our pants) with Femmie into the wee hours of then night, then starting again at the crack of in Seattle
68.A kick-ass thunderstorm! For this I am putting in a special request.....
69. Keith finally getting to really know the family (Keith, be afraid...very afraid)
70. Slop (another special request from someone I love dearly)
71. Aunt Jack's eggs must make an appearance...but only on my plate...sorry....i'm just not sharin'
72. Kitchen Table conversation....with yummie coffee, in our jammies (ok maybe not the jammies)
73. Green Bean Soup - Ok, so I know the only person that will appreciate this is Bud.
74. get matching tattoos (I just wanna see what kind of reactions I get to this one *snort*)
75. Hide & Go Seek!
76. Alaska meets L (bet you wish you'd thought of that huh????)
77. Trip to Target (just for you TR)
78. Hamburgs on the grill
79. RJC picture
80. Pizza Oven
81. Dairy Queen Cake
82. Food Fight


Stacy said...

Well aren't you just a smart ass??? ;)

stacy a said...

There's always at least one in every family. What the hell happened to ours????