Friday, August 11, 2006

THE Infamous Red Jeep

Somehow we managed to forget to get a photo with all of us in the Jeep. I'm not sure how that happened...heck we didn't even ride in it. But the kids did with Uncle Bud & had a blast..... I guess that's all that matters. If I really stop & think about it, it's what she would've wanted...the kids to enjoy her Jeep..she'd have gotten a real kick out that.....hmmm, something to think about :)


Jackie said...

It was very obvious that all "three" of the kids (including Bud) enjoyed their rides in the jeep. He seemed to be as excited about it as the two little ones.

stacy a said...

I can't believe we forgot our picture - I even found a pink shirt! I thought of it after everyone went home. Those kiddos sure had fun though huh?