Monday, August 14, 2006

Back to normal...rigth!

If you can call the craziness of everyday life normal, then we are there. Everything is busy as usual and the weather is absolutely ugly...more rain than I want to think about. And even more in the forecast. Thank goodness we have a boat. At this rate we're going to need it soon just to get to work. The state fair will be starting in a couple of weeks and D will be heading back to school next week. (Wait a will I...oh damn.) I finally have my film developed and was going to post a couple of them, but I'm challenged in that area...I have no flipping idea how to do it! Where in heavens name is the attach button? So I'll take my sorry self over to S and she'll give me a lesson in "picture attaching 101". Sad to say, I had to call her and ask how to get the pics off the memory chip in my digital camera and onto paper! Yes, I'm getting old and logical thinking is going out the window...floating away in all this rain!
Love everyone...huge hugs and kisses from Alaska!


stacy a said...

I have very sad news.
When I went to download all our pictures on a CD I found that Bud had taken almost all of them in the video mode. These of course can't be downloaded or have pictures made. I downloaded them onto our computer and now it is moving slower than a snail. I tried to send them all to J & SM and after three days of my e-mail not working (cause it was still trying to send) I had to delete the e-mail. I can't burn a CD because that is not a feature on our laptop (too old) and I tried to put them on a disk (one video fits per disk). So anyways, the pictures I did get made I will send your way soon but the ones from the cookout, the horse shoeing and some of the zoo are gone. :(

It was great having you here and we will have some pictures.Love you!

Stacy said...

C'mon over so I can give you some teachin'! LOL Can't wait to see your pictures
I need to weed through all of mine & shrare.