Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Fire alarm, OH NO!!!

Who would believe you actually have fire alarms on the North Slope. Well, last night about 10:30 pm, as I was sound asleep, all snuggled in my bed the damned alarm goes off. And believe me, it will wake the dead. With the weather up here you can't just go running outside - not a good idea in single digit temps. Luckily I sleep in a t-shirt and long pajama pants. I keep my slip on shoes close to the door and my winter coat hangs on the back of the door. Jump out of bed, slip into my shoes, grab my coat and make a run for it. Out into the freezing weather that will wake anyone up. So we're outside for about 5 minutes and we get the word that it's all clear. I stumble back upstairs and crawl back into bed. Oh wait, I did make a slight detour to the restroom - cold weather does that to me. Anyway, back in my room I crawl back into bed and then......wide awake. Yep, I'm staring at the dark ceiling listening to the wind howling outside...until about 2:00 am. Toss and turn, read for a bit, toss and turn some more. And then the crazy alarm goes off at 4:00 am. Ok, so I hit the snooze a couple of times and then dragged my sorry self out of bed, hit the shower and got to work. I get to my office and sure enough the network is down...something about a bad switch. It's been replaced and we're up and running. But I'm tired, so tired. It's gonna be a long, long day!


Larry and Steph said...

That has to be one loud alarm if it was able to draw you out of a deep sleep in your warm bed and actually get you to move ROFL!!! I know this because I have similar sleeping habits...and it takes waking the dead to get us to even become semi-conscious...LOL! Love you...hope you get some sleep!

Jackie said...

You got that right F - and believe me, it is LOUD. I couldn't figure it out at first, like WT_ is the noice. But when it hit me what it was, I was moving. The 'camps' are metal trailers, like house trailers only much, much larger of course. They are well insulated but fire will go through them in a flash. Everyone is told not to waste time trying to save anything, just get the hell out! And you never know if it's just a drill or an actual fire. This time it was clear at the other end of camp. Someone had put bread in a toaster and walked away. The bread didn't pop up and well, we all know the results of that.
I was in bed last evening about 7:30 pm. My butt had been dragging all day. Love ya stinker (and L and peanut too)