Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Day 76

Well, since noone else has said it I guess I will........

76. Alaska meets L (bet you wish you'd thought of that huh????)

77. Trip to Target (just for you TR)
78. Hamburgs on the grill
79. RJC picture
80. Pizza Oven
81. Dairy Queen Cake
82. Food Fight

Come on ladies... your turn now. :)


stacy a said...

Hey L - how's your day goin'? I would say that my daughter would agree. You are the best thing that's happened to her in quite a while. It is worth the trip! (that's easy for me to say because I'm already here) Who knows - you may make the list again. :)

Stacy said...

#76 rocks!!!
I was gonna post for today but I'll hold off on mine for tomorrow~believe me, it is oh-so-uber-exciting!!! You just get up way too early! LOL
L~ You know we can't wait to meet you!!!!! I mean anyone who can make Femmie turn all giddy-girlie has gotten have it goin' on! Besides, if you 'get' our sense of humor then you have to be cool! We are gonna have a blast! I told Femmie that we (Fem, you, K. & I ) sould go to that casino place (the name escapes me). What a riot! Anyway, we'll be sure to fit you in the list someway, somehow in the next 75 days! :)

Stacy said...

please ignore all the typos...it's the tequila talking...I wish! :)

Jackie said...

Tequila....and you didn't invite me over? You're slipping daughter! Well, L...I can see you share our "shy, bashfull characteristic". Thank goodness SM and I don't have any stories to tell about sweet little Femmie...(how much is it worth to you Femmie dear?) Of course she's told you good things about us, there's only good things to tell, right SM? Looking forward to meeting you and seeing everyone again. It's been too long now. One week is gonna fly by for me.

Stacy said...

You know "Alaska meets L." sounds like a rockin' movie.....maybe Femmie & I could write a screenplay based on the events of this summer. We would be fabulously famous :)