Saturday, April 15, 2006

Day 72...

72. Kitchen Table conversation....with yummie coffee, in our jammies (ok maybe not the jammies)
73. Green Bean Soup - Ok, so I know the only person that will appreciate this is Bud.
74. get matching tattoos (I just wanna see what kind of reactions I get to this one *snort*)
75. Hide & Go Seek!
76. Alaska meets L (bet you wish you'd thought of that huh????)
77. Trip to Target (just for you TR)
78. Hamburgs on the grill
79. RJC picture
80. Pizza Oven
81. Dairy Queen Cake
82. Food Fight


Jackie said...

you all have no idea how excited I was to log on this morning and see not one but two days open....oh man, I've hit the jackpot...I cn post two days! The thrill of it....the tension and antipation just flooding thru my veins.
And then............what the hell to type? Damn! But I did come up with thwo things I'm pretty darn proud of! Love ya!

Jackie said...

And excuse the spelling. I'm not fully awake yet. And besides, the tension and excitement flooding thru my veins made my fingers shake soooo much I hit the wrong keys! (How's that for a line of BS?)