Friday, August 17, 2007

Lost in time.....

Okay so it's been awhile since the last post. So much has happened in that time that I don't know where to begin. SO.......let's start new.

I am now officially a mother-in-law. Our daughter got married this May. It was a beautiful wedding if I do say so myself. The weather was perfect, the dresses and tuxs were stunning (oh, that was the people in them), everything arrived on time the way it was supposed to be, the hall was beautiful, the food was good, we had great music, the photographer took great pictures, and fun was had by all. It was a very fast wedding week that's for sure. You almost wish you had a slow down button so you could enjoy that week longer. Or maybe even a replay button to do it all again. We did so many fun things and all of our family came home. I know that my husband & I will treasure the memories of that week forever. It was such a great week that I am having trouble coming up with the words that could even begin to explain it. I could go on and on.......but I won't. J & I are very happy to have L as part of our family. Even though he is a zucchini addict. :)

S& L added to their family within a couple of weeks after the wedding. NO.....not a baby........a puppy. Gracie is a very cute goldendoodle. They say she's pretty dumb but she's SO cute. She loves attention. You could pet her all night and it wouldn't be too much for her.

I got a new boss in February. He is a very laid back talker. No, I'm not kidding and S & L can verify this fact. He could possibly talk more than some people in our family. I said possibly. It's nice to work for someone that doesn't push or demand. However, he is very making decisions which does rush me at the end of every week. I am a church secretary so there are bulletins for 3 services (all different) that need to be typed, printed and folded for Sunday morning. Not to mention his 2 bulletins. I'm actually getting used to not having the info before Thursday morning but it still makes me panic alittle. Other than this little kink, work is going pretty good.

So many other normal, day-to-day things have happened that I'm not going to write about them. Let's just say that life is good and I try to enjoy every day. Some days are better than others.....but there is at least one blessing in every day. Find that blessing and thank God for it. Tell your family how much you love them every day. (Yes, I try to talk to my daughter every day. L too.) I have found life easier to deal with by doing these things. Enjoy life, thank God for your blessings, and tell your friends and family you love them. It doesn't necessarily change the trials of life but it makes them alittle easier to handle. So to my family and friends.......I LOVE YOU and I'm off to enjoy another day!


Larry and Steph said...

First off..We love you too!

HMMM is ZAA(Zucchini addicts anomyous) available around here?? I think I may need to join.

We hope that you and Dad have fun in BG. Don't worry about E. Oh Crap E!!! Was that this weekend or next?? LOL Don't worry he is in good hands.

The wedding was not only beautiful, but perfect. Not only marrying a gorgeous young lady, but obtaining a great family as well. So thank you for everything!

Stacy said...

Have fun in BG guys! And try not to get arrested or anything, cuz we know how you all can be. R you going with J & L? If yo are, Fem & L.B. better get the bail $$ ready :)Love ya!

Jackie said...

ZAA - I wish we had enough zucchini up here to even get close to needing ZAA!
You're so right about the wedding, words can not describe the beauty, the memories, and the fun! It was great.
All sounds good in your world and I'm so happy to hear that.
I'm also happy that someone besides me FINALLY posted something on this blog. Thank you so much lady.
Love you all!