Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Ok, so the font was funny, but changing the whole jeep to pink with white interior....that was just sooooo wrong.
And what's this about only 10 red jeep wranglers? Stacy, step away from the Diet coke...you have officially over-dosed on the stuff this time! Or is it maybe diet coke withdrawal? Do I need to get dressed and zip over to the store and pick up a fresh supply for you? Believe, I'll do it! I usually see one or two red jeeps every day on my way to work. So that means there are only eight left for the rest of the world? You know I believe in our loved ones touching us from the other side and still having an affect on our lives. But only 10 red jeeps and K has managed to strategically place them ALL in Canton, Ohio and Anchorage/Palmer/Wasilla, Alaska...that has to be wearing her out just keeping track of them. What are the chances? Ok, enough of this....next thing you'll be telling me there's an Algebraic formula for this. And dear daughter, you know only too well how algrebra makes me twitch!
Anyway, I just finished my taxes and I'm not going to give an amount (it will jinx it, I just know it), but y'all keep your fingers crossed and PRAY.....if I get the refund (no more IRS scares) I've got a small chunk to save back for the Red Jeep Club trip in 2006! Vegas anyone....or Hawaii maybe? Or some huge mall shopping area? Ok, so no Hawaii.....that's Desi's dream place I could never go there without her.....sorry ladies. Maybe we could plan Hawaii for the first time Desi goes with us. Lord, that would be so special. Dang, now I'm crying here. The grandkids do that to me more and more....I think of Desi and Robert and all the sweet special things they do, the love they so freely give me, the joy they bring into my life and I get all teary-eyed. S.A. and Femmie, those two truly are the light of my life. Stacy is such a great Mom to them and they are so lucky to have her. Desi with her soft voice talking serious things with Stacy and Robert wanting nothing more than to snuggle up to "Mamma" and fall alseep. (Ok, so Robert wants his junk food first, and then snuggle up, ok?)
Enough for now I have to get to bed....another early morning tomorrow.
Love you all so much!
I knew that someone would know the answer to that. I agree, K would be lovin' to mess with us. I'm just thankful that she's not playing around with the weather this year. I do know about Barb and read her blog and also Ashley's from time to time. My heart goes out to them. I know how crushed we were with K and that wasn't her choice. I can't imagine the pain & grief that comes with suicide.
Oh! Oh!! ***waves hand wildly in air like an overzealous middle school student trying to answer a question in Ohio History*** I know the answer to the following question:

Just how many red jeeps are there anyways?

Answer: There are only 10 Red Jeep Wranglers in all of North America. However, Kay has made it her mission to see that the said 10 are strategically positioned near us at all times. Believe me, of this I am certain!

Femmie & I have talked about this~ I am sure that one day I am gonna be driving down the road & see a Red Jeep. And when I look over you know she is gonna be sitting there waving back at me! You know it, don't ya??? As crazy & impossible as it sounds, you know it's gonna happen. And she's gonna laugh her ass off when she does it. :) If there was ever a person in all of world history who would 'come back' just to mess with us...it's her. She'd have a riot! Just like (on not such a humorous, but equally touching note) she impacts things in our lives everyday. Stacy A.~ has Femmie told you about our 'coincidence' with Barb...a lady who's blog we follow??? If not ask her. I truly think God has given Kay a little leeway in terms of all of us... he lets her touch our lives in little ways all the time. Now I know that goes against a lot of belief systems, but you know what~ I've always been taught God can do ANYTHING & I think he knows we just need this, KWIM???

Okay...this was supposed to be a super-silly post & I made myself cry...I gotta get a grip...my sarcastic mojo must be slippin'.....

Love ya all! SM

OOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhh - you guys are so goin' get it! Can someone answer me this question? Just how many red jeeps are there anyways? I swear I see them all the time. On Saturday when we went to Starbucks (now the drive-thru Starbucks) I thought I had remembered seeing one before we got there. I asked Steph , you know just to make sure I wasn't delusional, and sure enough she saw it too. It used to freak me out when I'd see them but now it's rather comforting.

Oh yeah, I thought of another rule. (Rule 2 was in a previous post) Rule 3: Spontaneous singing. You know the crank it up, sing in your car, I'm a star singing. Of course, it has to be done so that anyone driving past you thinks "what the heck?" and it's usually loud & off pitch. This can also happen at the mall, restaurants, or any other public place. Steph & I do this alot, but we really are stars. We are! Are you doubting me?????????????? Talk atcha later, I better get to work.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Your font color ain't nothing....check this out!!!!! LOL

She would just KILL me!!! I can just hear her.......

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Ok, so I changed the font color in honor of the original red jeep owner....I know she's growling at me right now cause she absolutely hated any shade of pink! She's probably sending all kinds of bad vibes down on me....and I love her for it.
So, Stacy M, you can choose whichever name you prefer. Just pick one and stick with it...don't be confusing me. I'm old and my brain is fried by the time I get around to blogging at night. You forgot one....little lady....my name for you when I was trying to not call you a brat or a bad child or a little shit or something worse (in your growing-up years). But choose one that you feel suits you now...have fun it with girl.
I have to tell you, the pics from the Ohio Starbucks are just a tad bit scary. I can't believe the two of you (Stacy A and Femmie) were sitting that close when that car came crashing thru the wall. I'm so thankful neither of you were hurt, just shaken nerves I'll bet. Those guardian angels on your shoulders were working overtime that day! In hinde-site....you did say you were bored at home, but I'll be you weren't looking for that much excitement. Sitting home bored doesn't seem so bad now does it? I can only imagine some of the remarks Bud had for your adventure. Not that he's a smart*** or anything. He just has such a way with words.
Well, gotta print off more stuff for my glorious class (Psychology of Organizational Behavior) and then get to bed.
Love you all and miss everyone so much! (The Red Jeep Club is going on a trip...where, when...I want to go! Someplace warm and sunny with lots and lots of shopping and oodles of foo-foo drinks!)

Thursday, January 26, 2006

I am sooooo excited that you are all 'here'.......I love you all & miss you so much (even YOU that lives just a few miles away :). I didn't even think about there being two "Stacy's". You know, I don't ever really call myself by name (& if you do, you might need to seek some help). This prompted me to think of a pseudonym for myself. Here's what I have come up with so far:
Diva (or so I'd like to think *snort**)
Madame Stacy (Just typing that puts me into complete hysterics...ahhhhh!) Oh & for those of you who don't know what this means, I assure you it has NOTHING to do with a brothel or anything....just a cruel childhood joke
Diet Coke-a-saurus
Anilom Ycats (ya know....Bud's talent of calling people by their name backwards. Even my kids know their "back name")
Okay, that's it so far...but I'm sure I'll come up with more later!

So first order of business within the club is we gotta have some rules....like:

1. You gotta be crazy...not psycho...but crazy...like us...like family-dinner food-fights-crazy....capiche??

So who's next??? We all gotta contribute on the rules part....

Second order of business....when & where is the next Red Jeep Club Trip??? I can hardly wait........

Lastly...I included a Red Jeep Photo, but now we gotta figure out how to make one of those header things to keep it perm. across the top.....I'll try to figure it out. (But don't get your hopes up!)

Forty nerdy!
Hey Hey fellow groupies!! This is way too cool! I, like Jackie, wanted my own blog too but for the reasons she listed I never started own either. This one is very special though and I am thrilled to be a part of this "club". I really love to read yours (you know who you are) but now we can write back and forth. At the risk of sounding redundant - this is way cool! We definitely need a red jeep posted on this site - I'm sure you would all agree that it wouldn't be the same without it. I'll leave that up to the more experienced bloggers since I don't have a clue what I'm doing. Look forward to chatting with y'all. Hey, how about a password? Just kidding. See ya later!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I forgot...do you think we could add a picture of a Red Jeep to our site? Just curious...ok, bye.
This is gonna be a hoot ladies. Finally, our own little place to talk and post as we wish. Now we can write to each other at our own free will and be as goofy as we want...wait, is goofy a choice in this club? Nah...it's part of the membership. lol I think tihs is gonna be good. More to come...it is late, and all Red Jeep chics need their beauty sleep. Night!
OMG, I'm actually, officially part of a blog! Wow, this is such an enormous honor. No more being a visitor at someone else's blog....no more waiting for them to post something, and then hesitating to reply for fear my comment will seem worthless or mundane or boring. Ok, so we're a club...do we have special decoder rings or an official membership card....or how about a secret handshake? (Giggles) Ok, so enough craziness... I need to get back to work. Yes, I really do work!
Welcome! (Man, that sounds way too formal!) I am just putting this first post up so the page doesn't look so bare.....this is the Red Jeep Club. We aren't really about Jeeps...just honoring someone in our own way. So far we are just a small group of women (several of us are even family) who wanted our own 'thing'. The whole idea was born when Femmie & I asked a friend if her husband had been in a fraternity~ he just had the Frat Boy thing going on. Although he hadn't been Greek, he & some buddies formed their own 'club' that has survived for years now. Well, we decided we wanted that too....thus the Red Jeep Club was born! Viola!