Friday, August 31, 2007

Ok, back to work...

Good morning all:
Yes, I know for most of you it's mid-to-late morning, but for some of us (Alaska) it 7:00 am. I'm up, have started pouring coffee in me, taken my shower and getting ready to pack. The limo service will be here at 11:30 for the drive into Anchorage to catch the plane. Thanks for the words of encouragement...I'll keep the "stiff upper lip" and keep on trudging along. Yes F, I know you know all too well the emotions I'm feeling right now and it ain't fun! Life goes on and we can only do so much. I know I'm right and that does help my own integrity and professionalism...hopefully it will help me keep my job....LOL! I'll keep you posted. Ok, time to turn this thing off so I cac pack it up! Hugs, kisses........
Love everyone.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Time to head up north again

Ok, it's Thursday morning and I have loads of stuff to do today because I'm scheduled to go back to the slope tomorrow. So what am I doing...sitting here browsing the blogs. I'm in a funk. I'm not looking forward to returning to the slope. Ok family, go ahead, "I told you so!" No, I do like my job up north, but without going into detail (another story for another day) my boss and I are not seeing eye to eye and I have this fear (not fright as in afraid, just a foreboding) that if I don't end up quitting I'm going to get fired. Yes, it's serious and I've never been in a situation like this before. Again, without going into detail - I'm the new person so someone is going to take the blame - take the fall - and it looks like it's going to be me, not her. Needless to say, I'm dreading the whole confrontation, but not much I can do about it. Yep, I'm seeking other employment but we all know that it's not easy to just miraculously find another job in 2 weeks. To compound my funk, I was watching the grankids last evening while SM was at class and sure enough D was crying - for a couple of reasons. But when she came over and curled up in my arms and said she didn't want me to go back to the slope for three weeks, that it was too long for me to be away and she would miss me so much...yep, that did it! The poor girl has no idea of anything else going on with my job right now, but that just did me in.
Oh well, I'll keep you all posted. Love everyone!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Hiya peeps....

Just poppin in to say "Hiya" and to let you know I am really going to try to do bettter posting on my blog... really I am. With pics of the kiddos & all :)
Love ya!

Friday, August 24, 2007

See, I told you so....

Yep, I'm back already! I mentioned in my previous post that I'd be on a posting bing and here I am.

I forgot to mention my latest obsession, thanks to SM and D. I'm into the whole Harry Potter thing. I'm on book 3 and loving it. When the Harry Potter craze started I had no interest at all. It was just another kids series. But then when the final book came out and SM and D were so excited I thought, what the heck, try to read a little of it. And that did me in. I need to do some housecleaning and start my algebra and do some grocery shopping - but no, I can here "The Prisoner of Azkaban" calling me. Hide the book, hide the book....don't look at the book, don't think about Harry Potter! Oh, and SM loaned me book 1 and 2 on VHS. Hmmmm, maybe I need to see if our old VHS still works in the grandkids room. I mean, that would be a form of housecleaning, right? If the old VHS machine doesn't work anymore I could toss it out and there you have it...housecleaning. But then I would have to hop in the car and run over to SM's house and use her VHS so I could watch the movies. Oh wow, more housecleaning because that would mean I would be getting those movies out of my house. So maybe, in a strange way, watching Harry Potter is a form of housecleaning. I knew I could make it work to my advantage. (Yes, the grandkids have "their room" at our house.)

Another day up north

Wooohooo, someone besides me posted to the blog! I was sooooo excited - until I read SA's other blog noting that this post was supposed to go over there. Doesn't matter, I was just excited to know that someone - anyone - still looks at this thing! Ok, so now I'm going to be on a posting spree.

Life is life - nothing really exciting. I'm mid-way thru my first official 2 week R&R. The time is flying by and before you know it next Friday will be here and I'll be up at the butt-crack of dawn (2:30 am) to get ready for the limo ride to the airport to I can make my flight back up to the slope. My flight leaves at 7:00 am, barring weather problems, so I have to be there 2 hours early - ok, that's 5:00 am - and it's a 1 hour trip to the airport so the limo arrives in my driveway at 4:00 am. For anyone who may not know me too well - I am NOT a morning person so I have to get up early to drag my sorry butt around the house trying to get ready. I can't stand the rushing around at the last minute - it just makes me tired and wanting to go back to bed.

The grandkids started school this week. For D is was not too big of a deal as she's in 4th grade now, but R has just started kindergarten. Huge deal for both R and Mom. He is so excited to be going to school. Day 2 and he was already telling SM that she didn't have to walk him to his room. Wonderful, but once he gets to his classroom there a things that need to be done before he starts socializing with his new friends. He's such a boy - why worry about hanging up your backpack or putting your lunch away or even taking off your coat? But the teachers say he's doing well. And having them both in school all day will hopefully give SM some precious time to work on her studies - sure, right! She's such a Mom - help out whenever the school needs last minute help - pick up her friends kids when a last minute emergency pops up - if things don't change she's not going to get any studying done when her peeps are busy at school.

On another note - there is a definite chill in the air in Alaska. Summer is winding down fast. The leaves haven't started turning colors yet, but give it another week or two and they'll be falling off the trees in bushels and then the snow won't be far behind. The State Fair started so we'll be heading over there this weekend to indulge in all the healthy food we can handle. The big difference is that at our fair we need to take jackets/sweaters/ and even some gloves if we're going to be staying late into the evening. It gets darn chilly. Back in Ohio we'd be sweating our armpits off!

Ok, enough for now. I have to dig into my fun new project for this fall - College Albegra. Class starts on Thursday and I want to try to get a headstart now - lord knows I'm going to need it. It's an online class which is a plus because with my job I can't attend classes when I'm on the slope. Wish me luck with this one - I'm sure going to need it. (Oh, did I mention how much I hate algebra - and algebra hates me right back!)

Friday, August 17, 2007

Lost in time.....

Okay so it's been awhile since the last post. So much has happened in that time that I don't know where to begin. SO.......let's start new.

I am now officially a mother-in-law. Our daughter got married this May. It was a beautiful wedding if I do say so myself. The weather was perfect, the dresses and tuxs were stunning (oh, that was the people in them), everything arrived on time the way it was supposed to be, the hall was beautiful, the food was good, we had great music, the photographer took great pictures, and fun was had by all. It was a very fast wedding week that's for sure. You almost wish you had a slow down button so you could enjoy that week longer. Or maybe even a replay button to do it all again. We did so many fun things and all of our family came home. I know that my husband & I will treasure the memories of that week forever. It was such a great week that I am having trouble coming up with the words that could even begin to explain it. I could go on and on.......but I won't. J & I are very happy to have L as part of our family. Even though he is a zucchini addict. :)

S& L added to their family within a couple of weeks after the wedding. NO.....not a baby........a puppy. Gracie is a very cute goldendoodle. They say she's pretty dumb but she's SO cute. She loves attention. You could pet her all night and it wouldn't be too much for her.

I got a new boss in February. He is a very laid back talker. No, I'm not kidding and S & L can verify this fact. He could possibly talk more than some people in our family. I said possibly. It's nice to work for someone that doesn't push or demand. However, he is very making decisions which does rush me at the end of every week. I am a church secretary so there are bulletins for 3 services (all different) that need to be typed, printed and folded for Sunday morning. Not to mention his 2 bulletins. I'm actually getting used to not having the info before Thursday morning but it still makes me panic alittle. Other than this little kink, work is going pretty good.

So many other normal, day-to-day things have happened that I'm not going to write about them. Let's just say that life is good and I try to enjoy every day. Some days are better than others.....but there is at least one blessing in every day. Find that blessing and thank God for it. Tell your family how much you love them every day. (Yes, I try to talk to my daughter every day. L too.) I have found life easier to deal with by doing these things. Enjoy life, thank God for your blessings, and tell your friends and family you love them. It doesn't necessarily change the trials of life but it makes them alittle easier to handle. So to my family and friends.......I LOVE YOU and I'm off to enjoy another day!