Sunday night already?
So, where did the weekend go? Friday night - bunko, and SM volunteered to be designated driver. Huge thanks for that. I truly needed a night of not worrying if I drank one too many wine coolers....I know, I'm such a lush. But I've become a real lightweight in the alcohol arena so two wine coolers is enough for me to question my drivng abilities. She even drove me home, to be sure I was safe. Now is that a sweet daughter or what? Always looking out for Mom!
Up early Saturday morning for the drive in to Anchorage with J and K. The three of us hit a couple of the motorcycles dealers and then went to the cycle show. More cycle shops after and then the huge greasy burgers (like the one's they make at Bud's Corner - YUM). We had a hugely great day. SM was waiting at home with the kiddos and we spent the evening, ate some more. S makes superb fahitas and we kicked back and watched Walk The Line. Great show...I loved it.
Sunday was just busy with housework (Yes, I do that once in awhile), got my nails done, and then met the family for dinner at Evangelo's to celebrate S's b-day last Tuesday. Back to our house for Cold Stone icecream cake and more conversation. Mostly giggling by Robert!
A phone call from an employee forced me to do some research on FMLA requirements so I thought I'd stop here for a second or two to say hi and catch everyone up on the busy weekend.
Yep, they're coming home this summer and I couldn't be happier for everyone. I'm so excited for you all to see how much the grandkids have grown. Uncle B should be delegated to sleeping with R...they will make such a good pair. And please make sure he takes some long walks with D (or just quiet sitting)...just the two of them. She'll amaze everyone with her perception and deep thinking of things. R will tell you up front what he wants and what he needs...not bashful at all. And the more sugar and candy and soda, the happier he is. D on the other hand, won't ask and won't complain. And she truly loves ice water (with crushed ice)and lemonade and fresh fruit and veggies. R is the junkfood addict...D is the good eater.
I've looked at flights and I don't know yet. I have to check on the stupid (yes, stupid) class schedule for summer and I have a few other things I need to work out before I can make plans on this end. It would be nice to come home...summer, sunshine, heat, humidity, ok....I better stop!
Love ya!