Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I'm sooooo screwed.....
My alarm clock is broken. Well, not the whole alarm but at least the most important part of the alarm clock....the SNOOZE button. Yes, my precious, crucially important snooze button has simply decided to stop working! Now to some this might not be a big deal. But as I mentioned, my family is probably rolling on the floor laughing right about now. Yes, even J is chuckling about the whole situation. He's one of those people that wakes with the first buzz of the alarm and then gets out of bed and starts moving. To me, that's not natural. If we weren't supposed to use snooze buttons God would never have created them. I need to press the snooze at least 3 or 4 times each and every morning. It's my way of ever so slowly facing the morning. I'm not a morning person and need all the help I can get to drag myself awake. My family knows all too well just how much I depend on my snooze alarm each and every morning. I need my snooze button. I can't function without it.
Sympathy anyone?
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Where did '08 go?

And then the trip in late June to Texas for an OSHA seminar. And I can't forget the Vegas trip in October! A week of studying like crazy during the day and partying at night! Yes, I was tired when we got home but it was worth it.
Oh, and R joined the boy scouts! He and I spent a fun afternoon selling popcorn at one of the local grocery stores!
SM graduated from college in December! Hoooorayyyyy! Magna cum-laude no less. This is one proud Mom. I knew she could do it and I'm just darned happy for her. Graduation ceramonies will be in June. Ever the one to strive for more, she's already started taking classes for her Master's degree.
I'm sure there's loads more but I'm not sure at what point the blog will say "too much" and just dump me out. I'll close for now and hope this all posts!