Saturday, November 28, 2009
We're going into December - the Christmas season. I've always loved the holidays - it's such a wonderful time of year. Although the shopping makes everyone crazy and some of the rudeness nearly pushes me over the edge, in general people are nicer. A softness seems to come over them - smiles you don't normally see - sometimes even a cordial greeting. My brother recently posted a comment on Face Book about keeping Christ in Christmas and I couldn't agree with him more. The gifts and the shopping and the decorations, oh how we all love them. But where does the 'niceness' of the season come from? Why do nasty, unhappy, sour people seem to soften for about one month out of the year? Excuse me, it's His birthday - and I think Christ has a way of coming into the hearts of even the toughest people. They seem to realize that it really is a special time - a time to remember - a time to reflect - and a time to love one another. It's Christ's birthday and He wants us to be nice to each other - to love each other as He loves each and everyone of us. We need to hold each other close in or hearts - and we need to hold Him even closer in our hearts and in our souls.
On a side note - I'm changing jobs as of Dec 7. It's been a while coming and I'm excited at the new opportunity. I'm also extremely excited to be eliminating my 2 hour (minimum) round trip daily commute. Yep, I'll be driving over to Palmer every day now. That's about 15 minutes. I won't be traveling the Glenn Hwy - and that makes me so very happy!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Ours was great - very low key and relaxing.
More to you all!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sorry if you couldn't read the post below....
Really, I am! I can't believe I have posted anything since March 20. Sure I've been busy and time has a way of slipping by - not enough hours in a day - but still, no excuse.The summer, or at least the first half of summer here in Alaska has been fabulous! Warmth, sunshine - just unbelievable! Well, reality has set in. Rain, wind, chilly temps. Yep, it almost feels like last summer. I'm praying for some of the first half of summer to come back before the snow starts flying again.So what have we been up to? Work, work, and more work. There was the Adak trip and the company BBQ. And then the Seward fishing trip....I made my mark....all over the water! Sooo incredibly sea sick I couldn't stand it. I didn't even get to wet a line, just hanging my head over the side of the boat and praying the day would end. Thankfully the others in the boat took pity and caught my share so we didn't go back to shore short of fish. And now it's way past time for bed, sorry. But at least I wrote something - better than nothing. I will try to do better.Hugs and love to Ohio - we miss you all!
Monday, July 27, 2009
I'm so embarrassed...
The summer, or at least the first half of summer here in Alaska has been fabulous! Warmth, sunshine - just unbelievable! Well, reality has set in. Rain, wind, chilly temps. Yep, it almost feels like last summer. I'm praying for some of the first half of summer to come back before the snow starts flying again.
So what have we been up to? Work, work, and more work. There was the Adak trip and the company BBQ. And then the Seward fishing trip....I made my mark....all over the water! Sooo incredibly sea sick I couldn't stand it. I didn't even get to wet a line, just hanging my head over the side of the boat and praying the day would end. Thankfully the others in the boat took pity and caught my share so we didn't go back to shore short of fish.
And now it's way past time for bed, sorry. But at least I wrote something - better than nothing. I will try to do better.
Hugs and love to Ohio - we miss you all!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Things here are ok. I've been struggling with the laptop. Weird things were happening. "wmv" files, I had audio but no video. I was getting craze error messages on other things. So off to the ole pc dr - corrupt windows files. They had to reformat the hard drive. Luckily most of the pics were saved and other important info. But now it's the process of installing all the programs back on. I did lose all my favorites - do you have idea what that's like? It's like losing speed dial on your cell phone - not pretty!
S, K, D, & R are in Hawaii. I'm so happy they're enjoying the warm weather and hopefully lots and lots of sunshine!
We have their dog Schotzie and she's so sweet. We also have our friends dog, Callie. She's a little lhasa apso. Poor Schotzie is afraid or at the least very cautious of Callie. It's funny to watch Schotzie walk half way around the house to avoid Callie. They're not fighting or being mean - just basically ignoring and avoiding each other. It's so funny!
Not much else happening right now.
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Back to the cold
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I'm sooooo screwed.....
My alarm clock is broken. Well, not the whole alarm but at least the most important part of the alarm clock....the SNOOZE button. Yes, my precious, crucially important snooze button has simply decided to stop working! Now to some this might not be a big deal. But as I mentioned, my family is probably rolling on the floor laughing right about now. Yes, even J is chuckling about the whole situation. He's one of those people that wakes with the first buzz of the alarm and then gets out of bed and starts moving. To me, that's not natural. If we weren't supposed to use snooze buttons God would never have created them. I need to press the snooze at least 3 or 4 times each and every morning. It's my way of ever so slowly facing the morning. I'm not a morning person and need all the help I can get to drag myself awake. My family knows all too well just how much I depend on my snooze alarm each and every morning. I need my snooze button. I can't function without it.
Sympathy anyone?
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Where did '08 go?

And then the trip in late June to Texas for an OSHA seminar. And I can't forget the Vegas trip in October! A week of studying like crazy during the day and partying at night! Yes, I was tired when we got home but it was worth it.
Oh, and R joined the boy scouts! He and I spent a fun afternoon selling popcorn at one of the local grocery stores!
SM graduated from college in December! Hoooorayyyyy! Magna cum-laude no less. This is one proud Mom. I knew she could do it and I'm just darned happy for her. Graduation ceramonies will be in June. Ever the one to strive for more, she's already started taking classes for her Master's degree.
I'm sure there's loads more but I'm not sure at what point the blog will say "too much" and just dump me out. I'll close for now and hope this all posts!