Sunday, April 06, 2008

Spring anyone?

Earlier this week we (J & I) were discussing plans for the weekend, you know the usual start to work on spring cleanup in the yard. Get the rakes out and clean the yard, check for bare spots and sprinkle some grass seed, surgery on any trees/shrubs that didn't survive the winter winds and storms. While this may not sound like fun it is sooooo good to get outside and think "Spring". It's April and winter has been long enough here in Alaska - time to refresh and get moving. After all, we don't want to spend all spring/summer (same thing here in Alaska) in the yard - we want to get started so when it does finally warm up enough we can plant some flowers and get the motorcycles on the road.
Well, sadness has set in - in the form of more SNOW! Yep, now the the nasty old snow has melted and we can finally see spring coming our way - it snows again. And not a dusting either. We have a couple of inches and it's still snowing. 2 - 3 inches may not seem like much, but believe me, we've had enough. It is definitely enough to kill our plans of yard work. In fact, it's enough to push us into the duldrums. Cabin fever is at full tilt right now!
Enough...think I'll find my throw, curl up on the sofa and dream of summer!

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